- Tel: 1800 882 288
- Mon - Fri 9:00 - 16:30
- 60 Weldon St Burwood NSW 2134
Your feedback helps us to provide the best service and safety for you. Use the quick links below to lodge your feedback.
Use this form to report Health & Safety incidents that have happened in the workplace as well as other incidents related to the Australian Nursing Home Foundation.
A hazard is something with the potential to cause harm. Please notify the organisation of any hazards that you’ve noticed so we can deal with them.
ANHF is committed to providing high quality care and services to meet your needs. We value your feedback – including complaints. Please let us know what we do well and where we can improve our services.
Use this form is to register any serious incidents related to residential care residents and Home Care and CHSP consumers.
The Australian Nursing Home Foundation considers feedback to be critical to the ongoing improvement of our organisation. We welcome your feedback about the quality of care and services you have received.
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