COVID-19 Update

Message from Senior Management


ANHF Residential aged care facilities

  • Given each residential aged care facility may be impacted by the risk of COVID-19 exposure differently, all people intending to go to the nursing home should take their responsibility to contact each nursing home directly to find out what are their visiting conditions including PPE protocols at the moment.
  • All visitors must pass entry health screening including presenting a negative result from a PCR Test or a negative Rapid Antigen Test (RAT) which was completed within 72 hours and are compliant with PPE and visiting protocols.
  • Wherever possible, visits should be held outdoors or in well-ventilated areas. Care should be taken to avoid crowding within the facility.
  • All visitors should be encouraged to maintain physical distancing of 1.5m, particularly in communal areas.
  • Visitors are strongly encouraged to get up to date booster vaccine if they are eligible for one.
  • Fire Brigade, Ambulance staff and police are emergency service providers who are not classified as visitors and are not required to undertake a RAT prior to entry.
  • Please note that the nursing home may need to take swift response to newly identified exposure risks, the visiting conditions may change in short notice and vary from one nursing home to another.
  • Please follow the direction of the facility staff to put on PPE while visiting inside the facility if necessary.
  • We will use other means such as telephone call or SMS to contact affected family, in additional to email at times of urgency.
  • Visitors must not enter the facility at all if they
    • Have any COVID-19 symptoms or are waiting for a COVID-19 test result.
    • Tested positive for COVID-19. Visitors should not enter an RACF for at least 7 days after their positive test, unless authorised by the RACF for compassionate reasons.
    • Been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19. They should avoid visiting an RACF for at least 5 days.

ANHF’s Senior Wellness Centres

  • Staff and participants should not attend if they have tested positive to COVID-19, have any COVID-19 symptoms, or have been in close contact with someone who has COVID-19.
  • Our general risk mitigation practices include:
    • We will require consumers to wear mask if exposure risk is identified.
    • COVID-19 symptoms and travel history screenings as part of normal routine (ie. no participation or attending Senior Wellness Centre if anyone have any COVID-19 symptoms);
    • Regular use of alcohol-based hand sanitiser;
    • Social distancing of at least 1.5 meters from other people to be observed, in particular during eating and drinking time. everyone wears a mask when indoors, unless they are exempted;

Home care / Domestic Assistance Service / Personal Care Service and Flexible Respite Service / Social Support Individual Service

  • All of our home care, domestic assistance, personal care, flexible respite and social support services are operating under their COVID-Safe plans and practices. 
  • In line with the community expectation, the consumers’ COVID-19 vaccination status will be taken into consideration when assessing the risks and/or the degree of services our team can provide to the consumers. 
  • All staff will follow COVID-Safe screening protocols prior to commencing work.
  • Staff / volunteers MUST conduct health screen check prior to or upon entering the consumers’ home.  They may wear surgical masks as universal precautions and infection control until the risk of acute respiratory illness is assessed.

Getting Test for COVID-19

COVID-19 testing requirements in NSW have changed. More information can be found on the getting tested for COVID-19 fact sheet.

We appreciate your understanding that we may have to amend our measures timely in response to the urgent directive from the NSW Health.  We will contact all affected consumers, residents, relatives or staff directly as required.


ANHF Senior Management




To download previous messages, click on the below link:

Message from Senior Management – 13 August 2020

Letter from the Chairman & CEO – 18 March 2020

Chief Executive Officer

From the CEO – Amid COVID-19 – 7 May 2020

From the CEO – COVID-19 Update: Health & Safety Reminder – 7 March 2020

Community Care

Letter to Home Care & CHSP Consumers 23 November 2021

Letter to Home Care Consumers 09 July 2021

ANHF Home Care Service Newsletter May 2021

ANHF Home Care Service Newsletter March 2021

ANHF Home Care Service Newsletter January 2021

ANHF Home Care Service Newsletter December 2020

ANHF Home Care Service Newsletter November 2020

ANHF Home Care Service Newsletter October 2020

ANHF Home Care Service Newsletter August 2020

ANHF Home Care Service Newsletter July 2020

Safe Work Australia: Workplace Principles & Practice – In-Home Services during COVID-19 – 5 May 2020

Home Care Clinical Newsletter – COVID-19 – April 2020

Community Care Letter to Consumers, Tenants & Carers – Protecting Older Australians – 1 April 2020

Community Care Letter to Service Providers – 24 March 2020

Letter to Home Care Consumers – 17 February 2020

Community Care: Information & Recommended Health Care Actions – 17 February 2020

Letter to Home Care Consumers – 29 January 2020

Residential Care

Letter to Residential Care Residents and Relatives#51 5 June 2023

Letter to Residential Care Residents and Relatives#50 20 February 2023

Letter to Residential Care Residents and Relatives#49 25 October 2022

Letter to Residential Care Residents and Relatives#48 15 September 2022

Letter to Residential Care Residents and Relatives#47 27 June 2022

Letter to Residential Care Residents and Relatives#46 22 April 2022

Letter to Residential Care Residents and Relatives#45 21 February 2022

Letter to Residential Care Residents and Relatives#44 12 February 2022

Letter to Residential Care Residents and Relatives#43 11 January 2022

Letter to Residential Care Residents and Relatives#42 23 Dec 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents and Relatives#41 07 Nov 2021

RS6858 Visitors Risk Assessment and Response Measure – From 11-10-2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents and Relatives#40 08 Oct 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #39- 07 Aug 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #38- 25 July 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #37- 15 July 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #36- 09 July 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #35- 26 June 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #34- 25 June 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #33- 22 June 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #32- 18 June 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #31- 17 May 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #30- 11 May 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #29- 09 May 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #28- 06 May 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #27- 23 March 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #26- 01 March 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Consent Form

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #25- 22 February 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #24 – 06 February 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Update from Department of Health 03 February 2021

COVID-19 Vaccine Frequently Asked Questions from Department of Health 03 February 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #23 – 30 January 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #22 – 27 January 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #21 – 15 January 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #20 – 7 January 2021

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #19 – 30 December 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #18 – 23 December 2020

Public Health (COVID-19 Aged Care Facilities) Order (No 4) 2020-11 December 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #17 – 18 December 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #16 – 24 November 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #15 – 28 September 2020

Public Health (COVID-19 Aged Care Facilities) Order (No 3) 2020 – 16 September 2020

COVID-19 Update from NSW Health & NSW Chief Health Officer – 31 August 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives – Update #14 – 31 August 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives – Update #13 – 21 August 2020

What to expect if the facility has a suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 – 21 August 2020

COVID-19 Info for permanent aged care residents emergency leave – 3 August 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives – Update #12 – 23 July 2020

Letter to Staff & Volunteers – Urgent Updates from NSW Health 16 July 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives – Update #11 – 16 July 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives – Update #10 – 26 June 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives – Update #9 – 15 May 2020

Industry Code for Visiting RAC Homes during COVID-19 – 15 May 2020

Mandatory Requirement on Influenza Vaccination – Update #8 – 28 April 2020

2020 Influenza Vaccination – Mandatory Requirement for Anyone Who Need to Work or Visit a RACF

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #7 – 1 April 2020

How to protect yourself and people you are caring for from infection with COVID-19 – March 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #6 – 19 March 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #5 – 6 March 2020

Residential Care Letter: Information for Visitors During COVID-19 Outbreak – 2 March 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #4 – 29 February 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #3 – 16 February 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #2 – 12 February 2020

Letter to Residential Care Residents & Relatives #1 – 31 January 2020

Keep up to date with the latest news from the Department of Health:

NSW Health Alert – COVID-19 Case Updates & Warnings – 13 July 2020

Australian Government Department of Health

New South Wales Government Department of Health

New South Wales Government Department of Health Facebook

NSW Health: COVID-19 Updates

World Health Organisation

Factsheets – Australian Government Department of Health

Interim Advice on Non-Inpatient Care of Persons with Suspected or Confirmed COVID-19

Factsheet for Older Australians – I have a Home Care Package, What Does this Mean for Me?

Covid-19 Information for Residents of RAC Services, their Family Members & Visitors

Families & Residents on Restricted Visits to RACF

COVID-19: Identifying the symptoms

Slowing the spread of COVID-19 – Practice social distancing

Practise simple hygiene by washing hands regularly

NSW Health Secondary Triage – Information for Residents & their Families

NSW Health Factsheet – Secondary Triage for RACF

COVID-19 Advice for the Public: Myth Busters

COVID-19 virus can be transmitted in areas with hot and humid climates

Cold weather and snow CANNOT kill the new coronavirus

Does the new coronavirus affect older people, or are younger people also susceptible?

Taking a hot bath does not prevent the new coronavirus disease

The new coronavirus CANNOT be transmitted through mosquito bites

Can an ultraviolet disinfection lamp kill the new coronavirus?

Can spraying alcohol or chlorine all over your body kill the new coronavirus?

How effective are thermal scanners in detecting people infected with the new coronavirus?

Are antibiotics effective in preventing and treating the new coronavirus?

Do vaccines against pneumonia protect you against the new coronavirus?

Can regularly rinsing your nose with saline help prevent infection with the new coronavirus?

Additional Resources – Learn the fundamentals of infection prevention and control:

World Health Organisation: When and how to use masks

How to make a cloth face mask – Health & Human Services Victoria State Government

Frequently Asked Questions:

NSW Health: COVID-19 Frequently Asked Questions


As you must have heard from the news, the Government’s pandemic management measures are relaxing with the clearly trending downward of COVID-19 transmissions in NSW.   This is certainly a pleasing news to all of us.

The government has just announced some changes to the close contact isolation rules.  However, please be aware that these changes DO NOT apply to aged care settings or aged care workers (residential care or home care or senior wellness centre).

Call Us on 1800 882 288

Older people are at greater risk of more serious illness if they get COVID-19. If you, or someone you care for, need help, there is support available. Visit My Aged Care COVID-19 page to access a range of important resources to guide you through this difficult time.
